We strive for the highest quality in academic delivery and research standards – this is what being Excellent means to us. To enable us to be excellent, we look to apply ourselves in an Inspiring, Inclusive, Innovative & Collaborative way.

We strive for EXCELLENCE in all that we do in teaching, learning, research and knowledge exchange, as well as in the services we provide to students and to each other.

To enable us to be excellent, we seek to act in ways that are INCLUSIVE, INSPIRING, INNOVATIVE & COLLABORATIVE.
Culture trait
what role models do:
Look inside & outside of the university for inspiration.
Open up to ideas, asking questions & challenging respectfully
Look for ways to continually improve & taking risks to make it happen
Additionally, what leaders do:
Challenge the status quo & encourage others to do the same.
Create a safe environment where teams can share new ideas
Enable others to make improvements
Our commitment to being EXCELLENT may be affected if someone was NOT being INNOVATIVE.
role models and Leaders challenge actions like:
Reluctance to consider new or creative ways of completing tasks or goals
Dismissing the ideas from others without understanding first
Being opposed to adapting & changing to help our role or team
Focusing just on here & now not creating an environment where others can be creative
Being risk adverse without reason.

Being a barrier to change without understanding it first
Find out how we plan to be excellent here