We celebrate our diverse culture where everyone’s contribution is welcomed and valued.

Culture trait
what role models do:
Understand differences & respect Individuality.
Strive for honest & genuine interactions.
Invite & listen to the views & opinions of others.
Additionally, what leaders do:
Create team environments where it feels safe to ask questions, share views, & challenge non-inclusive situations.
Are consistent & transparent with how colleagues are led & motivated.
Ensure a diverse range of people are involved with making decisions or generating ideas.
Actions that compromise our values
Our commitment to being EXCELLENT would be affected if someone was NOT being inclusive.
Stereotyping or not taking time to understand differences in others.
Being dishonest, leading to mistrust in others.
Not taking time to listening to the views & opinions of others or be closed off to changing a view.
Allowing negative views & behaviours to go unchecked, creating a poor work environment.
Building a team, all with similar views & experiences.
Making decisions that impact others & not engaging a range of people in the process.
“As co-Chair of the REACH network, I help create a safe and respectful environment by inviting and considering the various views of our members.”
Funmi Oladapo
Programme Support Coordinator